Tungsten Components by Electron Beam Melting May 5, 2021 Member news, KIT (Germany) Researchers of KIT have developed an innovative approach to making brittle Tungsten soft.
High Performance Computing and GENE-3D April 30, 2021 FuseNet, Partner news High Performance Computing plays an important role in the field of nuclear fusion.
Mitigation of Effects of Fusion Instabilities April 30, 2021 EUROfusion news EU-US breakthrough: new technique protects fusion devices from damage by fast electrons erupting from their hot plasma
Virtual reality to perform ITER maintenance work April 29, 2021 Fusion For Energy, Partner news Imagine having to repair the biggest fusion device without being able to step inside.
Machine learning and modelling of nuclear fusion April 26, 2021 Member news, DIFFER (The Netherlands) Using machine learning is a promising trend in modelling the behaviour of the plasma inside a nuclear fusion reactor.
CHIMERA to transform fusion component testing April 20, 2021 Member news, UKAEA (U.K.) Construction of a unique machine for testing fusion components is underway at EUROfusion partner UKAEA.
Can three-ion heating calm fusion plasmas? March 23, 2021 EUROfusion news How a clever plasma-heating technique may let fusion researchers study and calm their fickle plasmas.
Advanced computing grants for fusion March 18, 2021 EUROfusion news EUROfusion E-TASC enables 19 theory and advanced simulation projects
Hot idea: gold-streaked fusion implosions March 10, 2021 EUROfusion news Can you boost laser-driven fusion implosions by seeding the fuel with gold?