News from EUROfusion, Members and Partners

Fusion tech transfer brokers meet in Frascati

On 13 June 2024, knowledge brokers from across Europe came together at the annual meeting of EUROfusion's technology transfer office FUTTA III. Here they discussed their progress in helping develop business cases based on innovative fusion technology. The event at ENEA Research Center in Frascati, Italy, also included a special brokerage event where Italian scientists met with industrial representatives to discuss future collaboration.

The FUTTA III consortium supports innovative industrial projects in Europe through the promotion of fusion technologies and their spin-off applications. With six so-called knowledge brokers, each covering a region in Europe, the consortium helps scientists get into contact with potential industrial partners and supports the development of spin-off applications via their Demonstrator Call (next cut-off date End July 2024).

Presentation of FUTTA III Programme and Demonstrator Call – Nicolas LOUEE 2024. Credit: IEIC/KIM
Presentation of FUTTA III Programme and Demonstrator Call – Nicolas LOUEE 2024. Credit: IEIC/KIM

Nicolas Louée, FUTTA III Prime Coordinator, shared his insights: “The event was an opportunity to see the tangible results of our efforts in promoting fusion technologies and supporting open innovation projects leveraging fusion innovations to develop new products and services in new applications. It was inspiring to meet ENEA staff and facilities and witness the direct interactions between scientists and industry representatives, paving the way for future collaborations and applications.”

To mark the event, the technology transfer brokers together with their host ENEA organised a dedicated brokerage event. Here ENEA’s fusion scientists and the technology transfer brokers representing EUROfusion and Fusion for Energy made valuable connections with Italian industrial partners.

The FUTTA III meeting underscores the vital role of technology transfer in bridging the gap between scientific research and industrial application, fostering innovation and practical solutions through collaborative efforts across Europe.

Poster for the FUTTA III Brokerage Event at ENEA Frascati, Italy.
Poster for the FUTTA III Brokerage Event at ENEA Frascati, Italy.
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