
Collage; Image sources by: Julien Bobroff (user:Jubobroff), Frederic Bouquet (user:Fbouquet), Jeffrey Quilliam, LPS, Orsay, France [CC BY-SA 3.0] via Wikimedia Commons and Image source:, free download

Spinning off from fusion

Fusion research, like other Big Science undertakings, thrives on exchange of knowledge and ideas. With its complex, multidisciplinary nature fusion research has pushed advances in disciplines ranging from medical technology and environment to astrophysics and material sciences.

Spin-offs are a natural outcome of this open approach, and the energy source of tomorrow has become a technology driver of today. 

Watch the video to learn more about Spin-offs from fusion research.

Click to download spin-off infographic!

FUTTA - Fusion Technology Transfer Activities

Within EUROfusion a consortium featuring 6 brokers, FUTTA III (Fusion Technology Transfer Activities) supports innovative projects in Europe through the promotion of fusion technologies and their applications. Read more on the FUTTA website.

FUTTA III Projects:

Some success stories:

Start-up Chromodynamics: exploring possibilities to take imaging technologies from fusion to medicine.