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SOFT 2024 Innovation Prize Winners Announced

The European Commission has revealed the winners of the 2024 SOFT Innovation Prize, recognizing groundbreaking projects that advance fusion research and foster collaboration between researchers and industry. Funded by the EU's Euratom Research and Training Programme, these awards support innovative ideas with market potential in fusion energy.

Iliana Ivanova, Commissioner for Innovation, highlighted the role of scientific creativity in driving fusion technology forward, emphasizing its impact on clean and reliable energy for future generations.

The winners were announced at SOFT2024 in Dublin by Joanna Drake, Deputy Director-General for Research & Innovation:

1st Prize (€50,000): Petra Jenus, Institut “Jožef Stefan”, Slovenia

For the development of a tungsten carbide-reinforced material ideal for DEMO divertor applications.

2nd Prize (€30,000): Alexander Feichtmayer, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Germany

For a novel facility enabling real-time testing of fusion materials under simulated reactor conditions.

3rd Prize (€20,000): Stephane Gazzotti, CEA IRFM, MATISEC, France

For creating a ventilated immersive suit with extended reality technology for use in nuclear simulations.

The SOFT Innovation Prize promotes innovation in fusion research, driving entrepreneurial culture and scientific excellence within the EU.

SOFT 2024 Innovation Prize Winners with the representatives of the EU Commission and DCU Dublin, Photo: Tamás Szabolics, EUROfusion


On this link you can also see the original news item from the Commission.

You can see an overview of all the finalist proposals below.


Negative triangularity spherical tokamaks for ultra-compact fusion reactors

The world faces a significant challenge in meeting its energy demands sustainably. Nuclear fusion, the energy source behind stars, offers a promising solution, providing a clean, secure, and sustainable alternative to fossil fuels. A key approach to achieving nuclear fusion is the use of a tokamak, which contains high-temperature plasma within a toroidal magnetic field. Spherical Tokamaks (STs) offer a compact design with high power densities, making them a compelling route to more economical fusion reactors. However, challenges remain, including achieving high plasma confinement and devising suitable power exhaust systems. A potential solution is the use of negative triangularity in ST plasmas, which could provide unprecedented high confinement and a power exhaust solution. This approach could provide a new, improved confinement scenario with low fluctuation levels, addressing critical challenges in STs.


A Novel Approach for Experimental Fusion Materials Research and Validation of Material Models

Developing materials for plasma-facing components is a significant challenge for fusion energy generation. These materials must withstand irradiation damage and hydrogen isotope retention in a real reactor environment. To address this, a new facility called GIRAFFE (General-Purpose Irradiated Fiber and Foil Experiment) has been created to simulate the fusion environment. GIRAFFE uses high-energy ion bombardment to mimic neutron damage and allows for simultaneous mechanical tensioning of samples to simulate thermomechanical stresses. Additionally, a low-energy ion source simulates the fusion plasma by directing deuterium or helium ions at the sample, while a heating system enables testing at temperatures up to 2000 K. This facility will enable in-situ experiments to better understand the effects of irradiation and plasma exposure on materials, aiding in the development of novel materials for fusion power plants.


Ventilated Immersive Suit for Interactive & Operative Nuclear Simulations

Air-fed suits (AFS) are designed to protect operators from airborne particles, but wearing them can increase workload and physiological constraints, leading to time limitations imposed by regulators. To address this, a new approach uses eXtended Reality (XR) technologies to consider human-factor requirements early in the design process. Immersive simulation tools assess the feasibility of workstation tasks in a realistic, mixed digital and physical environment. A focus is on tasks requiring ventilated clothing. An innovative prototype, the Immersive Ventilated suit, has been developed, combining sensors and interactive, realistic multi-physics simulation in virtual/extended reality. This technology aims to improve the design and functionality of AFS, enhancing operator comfort and safety while reducing constraints.


Contactless power supplies for low-voltage superconducting magnets

Current systems used to power superconducting magnets in nuclear fusion devices are inefficient, causing significant power losses and affecting grid quality. A potential solution is the use of flux pumps (FPs), compact systems that induce currents in superconductors with minimal losses. Researchers have designed and characterized the first FP for a fusion system, the HTSFP, which can supply 2 kA to a superconducting magnet with an average power loss of only 5.8 W, achieving an efficiency of 99.8%. The design is modular and scalable, allowing multiple units to be connected in parallel to reach the required current. This approach could significantly reduce energy losses compared to conventional systems. The next step is to manufacture and test the prototype, increasing its technological readiness and paving the way for practical application in nuclear fusion.

W2C reinforced W

Development of W2C-reinforced W for a Plasma-facing Armour Material

Tungsten, chosen for the DEMO divertor, has limitations due to high-temperature ductile-to-brittle transition, recrystallization, and grain growth. To overcome these issues, a new method involving tungsten carbide (WC) doping has been developed. This approach creates particles that prevent harmful tungsten oxide formation and enhance densification. The resulting W-4WC composite material exhibits excellent thermal stability and resistance to thermal shocks, meeting the required parameters. This makes W-4WC composites an ideal material for the DEMO divertor, with potential to revolutionize fusion materials and pave the way for future energy systems.


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