. JET Advances Future Fusion Energy Solutions November 23, 2023 EUROfusion news Culminating D-T experiments at JET set new benchmarks, significantly advance fusion science and technology
. Impurity Gas Seeding: Key to Fusion Future November 21, 2023 EUROfusion news Dr. Carine Giroud explores novel technique for heat dispersion
. LID-QMS: Unveiling JET's Fuel Retention Secrets November 2, 2023 EUROfusion news Anna Widdowson dives into fuel retention at JET using groundbreaking LID-QMS diagnostics.
. Sixteen EUROfusion Engineering Grants awarded October 27, 2023 EUROfusion news The EEG are awarded to innovative engineers in the field of fusion.
. First observation of how fusion keeps itself hot October 16, 2023 EUROfusion news EUROfusion consortium announces first scientific publications from their 2021 experimental campaign at the JET facility.
. EUROfusion awards ten ERG grants October 6, 2023 EUROfusion news Enabling early-career researchers to develop innovative ideas and techniques to advance fusion.
. JET DTE3 Video on Water Activation Experiments September 20, 2023 EUROfusion news Dr. Villari explains water activation research during the pivotal EUROfusion DTE3 campaign at JET.
. Europe-Japan Team-Up for Fusion Ed. September 8, 2023 EUROfusion news Europe & Japan inaugurate the JT-60SA International Fusion School, championing international fusion collaboration.
. EUROfusion on the UK's Return to Horizon Europe September 7, 2023 EUROfusion news UK rejoins Horizon Europe: A boost for fusion research and deeper UKAEA-EUROfusion collaboration ahead.