JET tokamak in torus hall

JET fusion device in the Torus Hall in Culham, UK.; credit: UKAEA, courtesy of EUROfusion
JET tokamak in torus hall

JET fusion device in the Torus Hall in Culham, UK; credit: UKAEA, courtesy of EUROfusion
JET tokamak in torus hall

View of the top of the JET fusion device in Culham, UK; credit: UKAEA, courtesy of EUROfusion
Interior of the JET tokamak

Interior of the JET tokamak in Culham, UK; credit: UKAEA, courtesy of EUROfusion
JET record DT shot 99971

Record fusion shot #99971 using DT fuel at the Joint European Torus (JET) at Culham, UK; credit: UKAEA, courtesy of EUROfusion
JET interior with superimposed plasma

Inside the Joint European Torus tokamak (JET) at Culham, UK, with a superimposed image of the hot plasma; credit: UKAEA, courtesy of EUROfusion