Sketch of the ASDEX Upgrade fusion device in Garching
Sketch of the ASDEX Upgrade fusion device in Garching, Germany. From interior to exterior: plasma, plasma vessel, main field coils, poloidal field coils and support structure; credit: MPI for Plasma Physics / ixtract
Vacuum vessel of the ASDEX Upgrade fusion experiment in Garching near Munich
Maintenance work in the vacuum vessel of the ASDEX Upgrade fusion experiment in Garching, Germany; credit: MPI for Plasma Physics / Jan Hosan
Fusion experiment ASDEX Upgrade in Garching near Munich
Fusion experiment ASDEX Upgrade in Garching, Germany; credit: MPI for Plasma Physics / Jan Hosan
TCV tokamak
Artist’s concept of the Swiss TCV tokamak (Tokamak à Configuration Variable) in Lausanne, Switzerland; credit: SPC / EPFL
TCV tokamak insides without baffles
Inside the Swiss fusion device TCV (Tokamak à Configuration Variable) in Lausanne, Switzerland; credit: EPFL / A. Herzog
JT-60SA tokamak
Japanese-European tokamak JT60-SA in Naka, Japan; credit: QST / F4E
JT60-SA tokamak last sector
Closing the last section of the Japanese-European tokamak JT60-SA in Naka, Japan; credit: QST
JT60-SA tokamak completed
Japanese-European tokamak JT60-SA in Naka, Japan; credit: QST / F4E
COMPASS U artist concept vacuum vessel magnets plasma
Cross-section of the tokamak COMPASS Upgrade in Prague, Czech Republic, showing magnet systems and plasma; credit: IPP Prague, Czech Republic