Control Room Magnum-PSI

Control room of the Dutch linear plasma device Magnum-PSI in Eindhoven, the Netherlands; credit: DIFFER / Bart van Overbeeke

Target Chamber Magnum-PSI

Tungsten monoblocks in the target exchange chamber of the linear plasma device Magnum-PSI in Eindhoven, the Netherlands; credit: DIFFER / Bart van Overbeeke

Magnum-PSI overview

Overview of the linear plasma device Magnum-PSI in Eindhoven, the Netherlands; credit: DIFFER

RFX experiment in Padova, Italy

The RFX experiment in Padua is the largest Reversed Field Pinch fusion device in the world, using a unique magnetic field configuration to confine a fusion plasma; credit: Consorzio RFX

RFX experiment in Padova, Italy

The RFX experiment in Padua is the largest Reversed Field Pinch fusion device in the world, using a unique magnetic field configuration to confine a fusion plasma; credit: Consorzio RFX