New R&D leaders at EUROfusion

The EUROfusion Programme Management Unit (PMU) has recently undergone a significant reorganization, approved by the General Assembly in April 2024. The meeting was held in Kaunas, Lithuania, and hosted by the Lithuanian Energy Institute (LEI). This strategic restructuring aims to enhance the efficiency and focus of the PMU’s operations.

3D visualization brings nuclear fusion to life

Visualisation of plasma in a tokamak. © 2024 EPFL / Laboratory for Experimental Museology (EM+) - CC-BY-SA 4.0

EPFL was selected by the EUROfusion consortium to develop an advanced visualization system for a preliminary process in nuclear fusion. The system is designed to turn reams of simulation and testing data into real-time graphics worthy of today’s advanced video games.

Slovenia Starts Water Activation Loop experiment

Opening of the Water Activation Loop experiment KATANA at the Jozef Stefan Institute. Photo: IJS - Marjan Verč

At the Slovenian Jožef Stefan Institute’s nuclear reactor TRIGA, a new research facility called KATANA is investigating how cooling water can transport short-lived radioactivity in a fusion machine. These experiments will let researchers validate computer models about the radiation that sensitive components will receive in future fusion facilities and power plants.

Dutch Fusion Day Shows Drive to Realise Fusion

Panel discussion at Dutch Fusion Day

With a crowded room and a programme that captivated until the last minute, the first edition of the Dutch Fusion Day on 3 May 2024 in Eindhoven brought together a group of 200 scientists, representatives of high-tech companies and government officials. One thing was crystal clear: they are all eager to get into action and bring fusion energy

Innovating Instrumentation at EIROforum

Rapid prototyping workshop. Credit: ESO

From 13 to 17 May 2024, the European science organisations ESO and EUROfusion welcomed 37 young researchers and 25 lecturers to the 8th EIROforum School on Instrumentation at their facilities in Garching, Germany. The event, organised biannually by EIROforum members, aims to foster the next generation of scientific innovators.

FuseNet: Advancing Fusion Education for All

Dario Cruz, Executive Officer at FuseNet

Supported by EUROfusion, the FuseNet Association is dedicated to making fusion education accessible to everyone. We talk to FuseNet’s executive officer, Darío Cruz, about how education and training are key to the success of fusion as an energy source.

WEST passes milestone of 10,000 plasma shots

The 10,000th shot at WEST took place on Friday March 29 at 5:40 p.m. Including its previous existence as Tore Supra, the facility has produced 60,000 shots over its entire lifetime. Photo: CEA - IRFM

After producing its first plasmas at the end of 2016, the French superconducting tokamak WEST has just crossed the milestone of 10,000 plasma pulses at 5:40 p.m. on Friday March 29th. “It hasn’t always been a smooth road getting here, but that’s the charm of operating a machine like WEST!”, shares the team on their website.

Fusion communicators inspired by WEST and ITER

At EUROfusion’s annual FuseCOM meeting from 20-22 March 2024, 23 fusion communicators and 8 science journalists visited the ITER and CEA fusion facilities near Aix-en-Provence, France. Participants unanimously praised the visit for helping them understand and explain the immense scale of fusion science.

Young scientist contest winners visit EUROfusion

Georgian high school students Anastasia Bolkvadze and Irakli Veshapeli at the Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics in Garching-bei-München. Photo: Stefanie Schlatt / IPP

Every year, European research member organisations of EIROforum offer a visit to one of their research facilities as one of the prizes on offer at the EUCYS European high school student competition. Irakli Veshapeli and Anastasia Bolkvadze, winners of the EUROfusion prize visited the ASDEX-Upgrade tokamak in Garching bei München in the first week of spring to discover fusion, astronomy and meet a childhood hero.