Transferring fusion knowledge across generations

Experiments by EUROfusion researchers at the JET fusion device in the UK clear the way for successful fusion energy experiments at ITER in a decade. How do scientists preserve and pass on the knowledge and experience involved? And how do they feel about passing on the baton?

Making JET a technology test facility for ITER

The JET fusion device has seen major improvements to bring it as close as possible to the conditions expected in a future fusion power plant. Two JET experts take us through the upgrades and how they make JET into a technology test facility for ITER.

Malta joins the EUROfusion programme

EUROfusion was founded on the idea that realising fusion energy will take the best efforts of as many experts as we can include. And so it is with great pleasure that we welcome our new Consortium Member: the University of Malta!

How Switzerland and the UK stayed part of EUROfusion

Two of our members discovered that new political realities prevented them from directly joining EUROfusion under the EU new seven-year funding programme Horizon Europe. We spoke our UK and Swiss partners about how collaboration within the consortium has enabled them to continue as part of the European fusion programme nonetheless.

Taking fusion to COP26

Fusion energy was on the agenda for the first time ever at the COP26 climate negotiations in Glasgow, Scotland, earlier in November.

Joining the fusion debate at COP26

Is fusion energy part of the climate change discussion? It is now! Prof. Sibylle Günter reflects on taking part in a panel discussion about fusion at the UN Climate Change Conference COP26.

Successful first experiment with Upgraded Pilot-PSI

The first experiment with Upgraded Pilot-PSI (UPP), DIFFER’s new facility, has been performed in September by master student Parwez Rasulyaar and the Plasma Material Interactions group. The machine will be the first to couple high flux plasma with an ion beam, bringing two of DIFFER’s expertises together in one machine.