Czech Republic

Institute of Plasma Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (IPP.CR)

The Institute of Plasma Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences is the leading Czech research institution in the field of nuclear fusion. The Research Centre Rez, Nuclear Physics Institute, University of West Bohemia, Czech Technical University, and Charles University are involved in the research and education.

The Institute of Plasma Physics employs about 230 staff scientists, researchers, technicians, Ph.D. candidates, and post-docs. About 30 researchers are involved in the Research Centre Rez and the universities.

Institute of Plasma Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences

The High-Temperature Plasma Physics Division pursues activities relevant to fusion research, focusing on magnetic confinement. The topics include power exhaust, plasma transport, enhanced confinement modes, magnetic perturbations, and runaway electrons. After the shut-down of the COMPASS tokamak, the construction of COMPASS Upgrade is now underway. The Plasma Chemistry and Materials Division is engaged in the research of the plasma-material interaction and in the development of advanced fusion materials. Inertial confinement fusion is studied in the Laser Plasma Division.

Research Center Rez (CVR)

CVR participates mainly in the design and testing of the breeding blanket and in the safety and environment related tasks. The research infrastructures used in the project include: liquid metal loops and facilities, high heat flux test facility HELCZA, 14 MeV neutron generator, TBM systems maintenance platform, MSO and inductive melting cold crucible facilities, LVR-15 research reactor, and material testing laboratory.

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Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS)

The Czech Academy of Sciences (CAS) was established by Act No. 283/1992 Coll. as the Czech successor of the former Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. It is set up as a complex of 54 public research institutions. (Source: CAS website)

The Academy employs over 8,000 employees, more than a half of whom are researchers with university degrees.

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