
Instituto Superior Técnico, Instituto de Plasmas e Fusão Nuclear (IST / IPFN)

IPFN, the Institute for Plasmas and Nuclear Fusion, is in charge of implementing the fusion programme in Portugal. IPFN is a Research Unit of Instituto Superior Técnico, the science and engineering faculty of the University of Lisbon. With a staff of more than 150, it is also the country’s largest physics research unit.

IST / IPFN employs about 150 staff researchers, technicians, PhD candidates and post-docs.

In fusion, the main areas of expertise at IPFN researchers include plasma diagnostics, control and data acquisition systems for large-scale experiments, neutronics, remote handling in fusion environments, fusion theory, modelling and numerical studies, operation of magnetic fusion devices, plasma engineering and systems integration, neutronics and processing and characterisation of fusion-relevant materials. In addition, IPFN participates and leads several projects in the areas of control and data acquisition, development of microwave diagnostics and remote handling for ITER and DEMO.

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