61st Culham Plasma Physics Summer School

Students and new recruits can now apply for the 61st Summer School which will be held 15th – 25th July 2024.

Applications are now open for the 61st Plasma Physics Summer School which will be held at Culham from the 15th to 25th July 2024. The aim of the school is to provide students and new recruits with an introduction to the fundamental principles of plasma physics together with a broad understanding of its fields of application.

The school will cover fundamental plasma physics, as well as important topics in fusion, astrophysical, laser and low temperature plasmas. Lecturers are drawn from UKAEA, the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL) together with leading European universities. All are renowned experts in their fields.

If you have students or new recruits who would benefit from learning more about plasma physics, then please forward them this link to apply: https://culhamsummerschool.org.uk/applications/

Any Culham staff with a grey badge may attend any of the lectures without charge and also attend the social events for £150 (please provide WON on application form).  Please obtain line manager approval.

Deadline for applications is 21 June 2024.

The summer school consists of lectures, problem classes, a poster session and laboratory visits. The first few days provide an introduction to the basic principles of plasma physics through lectures and problem-solving sessions. Thereafter, the course covers fusion plasmas, solar, space and astrophysical plasmas, laser plasmas, industrial applications, and data analysis.

Please see website for further details https://culhamsummerschool.org.uk/

Also see https://ccfe.ukaea.uk/summer-school-open-to-applications/

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