Richard was a devoted fusion technologist and started his career in fusion with the JET Neutral Beam Engineering Team in the early 80’s. His prowess in heat transfer took him in 1993 to the ITER project where he joined the ITER Divertor Design Team in Garching, near Munich, Germany. Richard was an avid problem solver and travelled the world interacting with scientists and engineers which resulted in the ITER divertor design that is capable of handling heat loads similar to those on the surface of the sun. In 2010, he took his first retirement and moved back to the UK. With not so many problems to be solved in the garden, the fusion itch returned and he went back to work for the MAST Upgrade project at the UKAEA solving many engineering dilemmas that the project faced. As if this was not enough he provided constant support and reviews to the work of EUROfusion and the design of the demonstration fusion power plant after ITER. Throughout his professional career, Richard was always fully committed to share knowledge and experiences with younger engineers and to build strong ties with colleagues, interacting effectively with people from all sorts of cultural backgrounds. Richard was a loving husband, caring father of three and devoted grandfather of six. Richard’s contributions to the global fusion community have left a lasting impact, and he will be deeply missed by his many friends and colleagues.
This partnership is expected to boost the efficiency and impact of European fusion research